Welcome to the Camden Market!

Sorta brings back the feeling of being in a pasar malam in Singapore.

Another one of Camden Town's mini market place.
The feeling was pretty weird, its like in a pasar malam – minus the hot air, sweat, the smell of cooked food and uncles shouting in hokkien to sell their goods. Instead you get cool weather, and a whole sea of ang mos walking about.

Other unique shop fronts located there. It was really crazy crowded that day.

Seems like yee spotted something interesting...

notice the bottom left side of the picture... brings a sparkle to every woman's eyes..haha..

Its like so crowded inside! this is definitely not for the claustrophobic...everywhere you look is shoes Shoes more Shoes and Bags. Listen well all Shopaholics! not only are the price tremendously reduced, you get AN EXTRA 30-50% disc on the already discounted price!!! Shoe Whore Haven~!

A peaceful scenery amidst the chaos.
As it was still pretty early we decided to head down to Picadilly Circus to have a walk.

Random building pictures i took at Picadilly Circus

The Neon lights at Picadilly Circus. Notice the big M... haha hungry liao

We noticed there were rickshaws littered along the roads probably because chinatown was near. Only thing was they were'nt pulled by chinese..haha
The next day, we decided to head down to Morrison’s again to buy our grocery. The cake section was really interesting. They had all these pre made cakes wrapped up in attactive boxes with themes. Here take a look and you’ll know what i mean…

woah~ STARWARS! Yes, it's really a cake.

Reminds me of the soccer magazine i used to collect last time haha!

Haha...this is yee's favourite.

What yee cooked for dinner using the ingredients we bought. Its nice lah...but still can improve... haha 😛
Alrighty! that’s all folks..till then tata!
Love, J
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