We’ve gotta adjust our clock 1 hour in advance due to the daylight savings… so yeah…we’re now 7hrs behind Singapore time. Well, some photos here to keep you people updated on what we’re up to.
Canary Wharf
It is like this futuristic place segregated on its own with office skyscrapers with digital billboards and trains passing between buildings. Office buildings like HSBC, Citigroup, KPMG etc are situated there. It also boost a huge shopping mall too.

J seems lost amidst the tall office buildings...

Saw this cute little dog in the bus on our way home...haha... first time see dog take bus 0_0"

Bought a whole bunch of snacks ... notice the exotic flavours of the 'Walkers' potato chips: hoi sin duck, cajun squirrel, chocolate chilli, builder's breakfast, and my favourite fish and chips flavour.

which was what we had for dinner... yum!
Harrods @ Knightbridge
Was at The Berkeley hotel for an interview and i had a very nice cappucino (in The Blue Bar which is Madonna’s favourite nightspot!) on the house as i was waiting for the interviewer.

nothing like great coffee to kick start your day!
After the interview, we decided to head down to Harrods to shop around and also to see the memorial of the late Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed. The memorial contains the wine glass still smeared with the late Diana’s lipstick from her last dinner and also, her engagement ring which Dodi bought for her the day before their car crashed.

The memorial of the late Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed.

The wine glass and the engagement ring.

A closer view of the ring... seems huge...

This was taken in the gifts section.The bus damn cute loh...got so many teddy bears on it.
After Harrods, we went on to Bond Street (famous shopping area where all the luxurious brands like Tiffany, Armani, Cartier are located ) via hyde park.

This 2 in hooded robes are art students from Central Saint Martins College showcasing their arty farty final year project abstract art in a display window. The brown stuff appears to be fine dirt.

The advertising here is bolder and eye catching compared to Singapore. Take this for instance. They are actually using REAL MODELS to advertise their product. Kudos to this model who can wear so little under the cold weather with hundreds of eyes staring at her from the shop front.

With a smile like this, who needs clothes?
We’ve been learning to cook more dishes since we came here, if not everytime eat the same thing also sian… haha! These are 2 of our latest additions to our cook book!

Chicken curry with potato and carrot... Taste like the Japanese Katsu Curry.

Grilled black pepper chicken with garlic carrot and potato with cheese and bacon toppings. Yummy!
Alrighty… i shall continue next time…time to sleep liao! Take care people and Happy Easter!
Love, J
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