Posted by ourjotterbook on Saturday, September 19, 2009 · Leave a Comment
We’ve wanted to go Greenwich to see the Royal Observatory and also to enjoy the last of summer at Greenwich Park before autumn comes and all the green turn brown. Greenwich is located in Southeast London, south of the River Thames and is also considered to be a World Heritage Site.

Hmmm... where to first

Entrance to the famous Painted Hall

You guys must be wondering what am i staring at...

... this amazing stunning picture.

This is the entrance to the Chapel.

A closer look at the details on the ceiling.

Me trying to act cool... hahaha

Yee captured this picture of me between the Chapel and the Painted Hall...makes for a great wallpaper eh?

The National Maritime Museum... unfortunately it was closed when we got there.

This is Greenwich Park.

The Royal Greenwich Observatory at the top of Greenwich Park.

The Queen's House at Greenwich Park...It seems a Tea Party is going on in there.

The Yellow marker i drew indicates the Prime Meridian.

We wanted to cruise by the River Thames so we took a boat service heading towards London Bridge.

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