Within Rome stands the walled enclave of the Vatican city and the iconic dome of St Peter’s Basilica.

St. Peter's Basilica - Probably the largest and grandest church in Christianity

St Peter's Square with the Egyption Obelisk known as "The Witness" is the second largest standing obelisk and the only one to remain standing since its removal from Egypt. It is thought to have stood witness to the crucifixion of St Peter.
The interior of St Peter’s Basilica:

The statue of St. Peter - One foot of the statue is largely worn away by pilgrims kissing it for centuries

The rear entrance of the Vatican city which leads to the museums and the sistine chapel.

'The Book of the Dead' in the Egyptian Museum

A real Mummy~!

Anubis, Jackal headed god of the afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology.

An ancient Egyptian statue of Bastet which contains a mummified cat.

Greek demigod Hercules

Gallery of Maps

The Last Judgement - Michelangelo

The creation of Adam - Michelangelo

A copy of the Pieta near the museum of sculptures

Tapestry of the Last Supper from Leonardo Da Vinci’s painting (1452-1519). The original mural painting is in Milan.

The Transfiguration by Raffaello (1516-1520)

Madonna of Foligno by Raffaello (1511/1512)

Saint Matthew and the Angel by Guido Reni (1575-1642)

Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden - Wenzel Peter

For those who do not know the story of the 'Final Judgement' and 'The Creation of Adam' in the Sistine Chapel, it is strongly recommended that you go to the courtyard to read the information boards before going to the Sistine Chapel.
Bet you guys must have received our postcards from Vatican by now haha… here are pictures taken on the climb up to the top of St. Peter’s Basilica:

Very narrow and steep climb towards the top of the Basilica.
Views of the Vatican city taken from the top of St. Peter’s Basilica.

From the picture, the dense populated part is Rome while the lush greenery is part of Vatican City

View of St. Peter's square taken from the top of the basilica

The Altar of the Chair of St. Peter
As we were leaving we noticed that mass was starting and security started to put up barriers to prevent tourist from taking pictures while they were having mass. Luckily we were the last few to be admitted in for mass before it was full house. For me as a catholic to be able to celebrate mass in St Peter’s Basilica is a real privilege and an unforgettable experience.
So nice of you to share so much of information. I feel so happy to find such a quality article over the internet.