Got the tickets to sunny seaside Brighton!

Yee wolfing down her McDonald's breakfast hungrily

Great coffee to start your day!

Some silly poses. Haha...

We pretty much have the whole cabin to ourselves

Looks like its gonna be a great weather.

Here we are...Brighton!

closer...can hear the seagulls liao...

Pebble beach just in front of us

yup...exactly what the lady is holding

The pebble beach

Making herself comfortable

The wind is damn strong ...

That's Brighton Pier at the top...


sunbathing our toes too...
and honestly, pebble beach isn’t as bad as we initially thought. It is really comfy to lie on and it is definitely less icky than sandy beach where you will get sand stuck all over your beach towel and flip flops.

Wooo... a Carousel?

Yee just couldn't resist the temptation

... and she dragged me up there too...

Captain J Sparrow of the Black Sampan?

That's J's finger

holy birdies!
We couldn’t resist taking videos of these carefree gliders

closer view of Brighton Pier

Entrance of the pier

Great view...

Haha... funny moments

Kinda reminds me of an episode from mr bean with the coin machine
Shock Alert!
It might be due to under the constant circumstance of strong sea breeze, rounds of melodic carousel rides that blew our minds off thinking straight. We were both crazy, we know what we want, we felt it is time and couldn’t wait any longer…..so we….
Shocker huh~!?
Nah~~Of Course not la! Pic was taken just for laughs!
We shudder to think it being real. I mean not at this point of time where married life seems to us a truckload of burden.
I (yee) am struggling to enjoy whatever youth i have left. Some time ago, i was mistaken by a housemate as being J’s wife…i was quite disturbed/traumatized the whole day after that….I kept asking J “Do i look like i am someone’s wife already?” i am glad and relieved J’s reply was ” No, i can’t associate you and the word wife yet”. I think i never wanna be called wife. Call me girlfriend =)
Anyway, back to the REAL thing that we did…
We went ahead to challenge each other with a Rodeo competition! Well… who won then?
Watch the videos…it’s self explanatory (who sucks at it)
My best was 7secs.. which was what most people got..J? errrrmm
ermm……Let’s just watch

i gotta be nuts to try this man...

Lunch time~! Mee Goreng!

Fish and chips~!

Everyone waiting for the Brighton carnival to start

Hmmm... where to go first?

People relaxing in the park

Basker serenading the atmosphere

The Princess and the Palace

we got a kind person to take for us this shot together with the Royal Pavilion.
Love, J & Y
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