"Milly" (what a surprise by my colleagues but i forgot to take a picture of the full cake -_-" )
Finally! after so long, i get to watch Les Miserables. I remember long long time ago, my bro went to watch it when they staged it in Singapore. I was only a primary school kid then..and i recall my bro having this Les Miserables CD and there was a period of time where i always listen to it. I could sing along with most of the songs and when i was in my Secondary School Band, i heard some seniors practicing pieces from the musical. Now, i get to watch the London cast perform live
We sneakily took a few shots in the theatre when we saw others did the same..hee

During intermission

We were sitted right beside the premium seats so we had perfect view.
Found this video
For Eponine, I prefer Lea Salonga performance
Luv, Yee
Hey! Awesome Post & Great Page! Love this musical. You Rock!
your friends, XR VOLUME